CCD Chairperson's Update - January 2015

Federal Budget

In the month of January, Laurie Beachell met with officials in the Minister of Finance's office to explain how critically important it is for the next Federal Budget to support the sustainability of CCD and the disability rights movement in Canada.

Elections Canada

Laurie Beachell developed a proposal for Elections Canada for CCD to share information that explains how to vote and participate in the electoral process.  The Fair Elections Act created some new rules and procedures and CCD is seeking to ensure that Canadians with disabilities have an accessible and inclusive experience at the polls.

Inclusive Design Advisory Council

CCD assisted the Canadian Museum for Human Rights prepare for a meeting of its Inclusive Design Advisory Council.  CCD Vice Chair John Rae serves on the Council.

CCD – IL Canada Transition Project

Steve Estey has agreed to chair the Steering Committee which is guiding the joint project which is assisting CCD and Independent Living Canada explore new ways to work together.  On 15 January 2015, the CCD Council met to review the work that is being undertaken by the Transition Project. 

Toujours Vivant / Not Dead Yet  (TVNDY)

TVNDY met by conference call to discuss activities related to increasing respect for the lives of people with disabilities.  Amy Hasbrouck has a YouTube channel where she provides public education on the disability rights perspective on assisted suicide.

Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship

The great team, led by Andrew Boardman, has been preparing to publish CCD's forthcoming e-book, which will be a compilation of the major papers produced by the research team of the Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship project.

Succession Planning

Laurie Beachell informed CCD Executive, Council and Committees that he will retire from CCD at the end of June 2015.