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Empower U: Learn to Access Your Disability Rights Training on Canadian Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) training aims to increase awareness of how to address discrimination using more familiar Canadian human rights laws such as Human Rights Codes and the newer international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This is training for persons with disabilities by persons with disabilities. The training is part of a project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and implemented by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) in collaboration with Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. (CMDCI), Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO), Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) and National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). Read more.
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Federal Elections Archives
Federal Elections
September 17, 2021
What Are Canada's Political Parties Plans Concerning Inclusive Emergency Preparedness?
. “CCD is seeking to learn from the Federal Parties how, if elected to form the Government of Canada, they would ensure that Canada’s emergency preparedness activities contribute to the goal of a barrier-free Canada as set out in the ACA,” states Jewelles Smith, CCD Communications and Government Relations Coordinator. Read more.
September 15, 2021
CCD Seeking an Accessible and Inclusive Post-COVID-19 World: No New Barriers!
CCD is seeking commitments from all parties concerning how they plan to ensure Canada’s future spending is a driving force behind a barrier-free country. Read more.
September 13, 2021
CCD Seeks Commitments on Accessible and Affordable Housing
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national non-partisan human rights organization of people with disabilities, is challenging Canada’s political parties to share detailed plans with timelines about how they propose to remedy the disability housing crisis, which is a well-known long-standing problem. “Political leadership on accessible and affordable housing in Canada is long over-due,” states Heather Walkus, CCD 1st Vice Chair. “In advance of the election, parties need to address how they plan to make decent housing a reality for Canadians with various types of disabilities. We want to see an end to people with disabilities struggling with substandard housing that does not meet their needs, couch surfing, and living on the streets.” “To be effective and inclusive, housing strategies need to be developed using an intersectional lens that is inclusive of the needs of women with disabilities, racialized people with disabilities, refugees and newcomers to Canada with disabilities and people with various types of disabilities, including those that are invisible, episodic and psycho-social in nature,” states Jewelles Smith, CCD Communications and Government Relations Coordinator. “This is something we will be looking for in all housing plans.” Read more.
September 9, 2021
CCD Seeks from Parties Disability-Inclusive Climate Action and Emergency Preparedness Plans
A principle of the international disability rights movement is “nothing about us without us”, meaning that people with disabilities must play an integral role in planning societal solutions to anything that affects them and climate change is not an exception to this principle. Due to the work of groups like the Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Research Program (DICARP), the resources are at hand to help ensure that accessible and inclusive climate change action plans are developed. Jewelles Smith, CCD Communications and Government Relations Coordinator, is a member of the DICARP Advisory Panel. “We remind the Federal parties that human rights oblige governments to ensure that solutions to climate change do not disadvantage people with disabilities,” states Jewelles Smith. Read more.
September 7, 2021
CCD Seeks Parties' Position on Disability Benefit
As a non-partisan organization, CCD is calling upon all Federal Parties to provide a clear explanation how they will support a disability benefit for Canadians with disabilities and if they do:
• How would eligibility be determined?
• How would the benefit be structured?
• When would these benefits start? Read more.
September 3, 2021
CCD Calls for Commitments to Remedy Discrimination against Blind Voters
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an accessible and inclusive Canada, is seeking commitments from all parties to remedy by the next Federal Election the discriminatory obstacles that make it impossible for blind voters to vote in secret and independently verify that their ballot is completed correctly. Read more.
September 2, 2021
Leader Letters
CCD is seeking to hear from Canada’ s main Federal Parties on the following questions:
Does your Party support a disability benefit for Canadians with disabilities? If the Party supports a disability benefit:
- How would eligibility be determined?
- How would the benefit be structured?
- When would these benefits start?
- How will your Party ensure that Canada will re-build after COVID-19 in a manner that promotes the human rights of persons with disabilities?
- How will your Party ensure that Canada’s housing strategy is inclusive of the needs of women with disabilities, racialized people with disabilities, refugees and newcomers to Canada with disabilities and people with various types of disabilities, including those that are invisible, episodic and psycho-social in nature?
- How will your Party ensure that people with disabilities are fully engaged in Canada’s climate action and emergency planning?
- How will the Party, if elected to form the Government of Canada, ensure that Canada’s emergency preparedness activities contribute to the goal of a barrier-free Canada as set out in the Accessible Canada Act?
September 1, 2021
CCD Urges Federal Election Candidates to Run Accessible Campaigns
For people with disabilities to make an informed choice when casting their ballot they need full access to candidates’ campaigns. Read more.
August 27, 2021
How to Vote in the Federal Election, September 20, 2021
Plan to Vote - As we have learned, everything is more complicated and takes longer during the pandemic, so make a plan for how you will cast your ballot. When you are planning, consider which of the voting options will be best for you. Read more.
August 27, 2021
How to Vote in the Federal Election, September 20, 2021
November 6, 2020
Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) Applauds PM?s Direction to Minister Qualtrough
For many years, CCD has been supporting the introduction of a disability lens and it is welcome news that the Federal Government is beginning to embrace this concept as is signaled by the Prime Minister’s direction to “Conduct a comprehensive review to ensure a consistent approach to disability inclusion and supports across government that addresses the unfairness and inequities in government programs and services, and challenges the biases built into government processes. This includes a definition of disability consistent with the Accessible Canada Act.” Read more.
January 19, 2011
Accessible Election Campaigns
While a Federal Election has not been called, Canada nevertheless is moving toward an election in the next two years, and, prior to the Election, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) is endeavoring to ensure that both potential candidates and Canada's national political parties are aware of the importance of accessible election campaigns to Canadian voters with disabilities. Candidates and political parties have a responsibility to conduct accessible campaigns that are completely responsive to the needs of persons with disabilities. Read more.
January 14, 2011
Report on the Use of Assistive Voting Device for Persons with Disabilities
CCD was disappointed by the tone of "Report on the Use of Assistive Voting Device for Persons with Disabilities." The Report seems to miss the point that a human rights issue for a group of Canadian rightsholders, voters who are handicapped by print, is under discussion for the purpose of remedying a long standing barrier. Our reading of the report left the impression that the Committee took a business case approach to the question before it and it has been our experience that the business case approach does not equate well with guaranteeing that people with disabilities will have their rights upheld. Too frequently cost is used as the excuse for denying Canadians with disabilities equal access. Read more.
March 23, 2010
CCD Perspective on Canada At 150
February 12, 2010
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Decision Safeguards Access on Voting Day
In James Peter Hughes and Canadian Human Rights Commission and Elections Canada and Council of Canadians with Disabilities, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ordered Elections Canada to "cease from situating polling stations in locations that do not provide barrier-free access". "CCD regards this decision as a victory, because the Tribunal's order compels Elections Canada to keep access considerations front and centre as it conducts elections," states Marie White, CCD Chairperson. Read more.
Election 2015
October 13, 2015
Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship - Canada's Federal Parties Have Their Say
CCD asked the Federal Parties to share with Canadians where, if elected, they would expand the Federal Government's leadership role with respect to poverty alleviation, the CRPD and access for persons with disabilities, so that we could make this information known to Canadian voters. "I encourage everyone to think about these responses before they cast their ballot and to vote for the Party that they believe has the best plans for improving access and inclusion for persons with disabilities, urges Tony Dolan, CCD Chairperson. "Accessibility and inclusion benefit all Canadians." Read more.
September 29, 2015
We'll Be Voting for An Accessible Canada
When Canada ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), it committed to progressively improving accessibility (Article 9). The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) has challenged the leaders of Canada's federal political parties to implement the CRPD and to share their plans for improving accessibility. Read more.
September 15, 2015
Canadians with Disabilities: Getting Beyond Being a Population in Waiting
Canadians with disabilities are seeking equality in employment. To this end, CCD has repeatedly recommended to federal parties that they commit to increased investment in the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities. For example, new investments could be focused on youth with disabilities (aged 18-30) transitioning from school to work, including trades, with support for proactive measures such as co-operative placements, summer job programs, supported employment Read more.
September 10, 2015
Refundable DTC Campaign - #DTCforAll
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) and Independent Living Canada (ILC) are joining together to ask political leaders to commit to making the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) refundable. Please sign the petition today! Read more.
September 9, 2015
Federal Legislation to Implement UN Disability Rights Convention: Nothing About Us Without Us
CCD would welcome new federal legislation that kick-starts Canada's fulfillment of its CRPD obligations. Read more.
September 1, 2015
Disabling Poverty, Enabling Citizenship - Where Do Federal Party Leaders Stand?
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) urges all federal political parties to promise Canadians with disabilities, who as a group are among the poorest Canadians, to reform the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), making it refundable. Read more.
August 31, 2015
Questions for You to Ask Federal Election Candidates (Access, Inclusion and Participation)
Will your party commit to improving access and inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities and others facing multiple forms of discrimination, by creating new access regulations for federally-regulated transportation systems, telecommunications and the National Building Code? (CRPD Article 4, 9.) Read more.
August 31, 2015
Questions for You to Ask Federal Election Candidates (CRPD)
Will your party commit to delivering on the intent of the CRPD for people with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities and others facing multiple forms of discrimination, by ratifying the Optional Protocol to the CRPD? Read more.
August 31, 2015
Questions for You to Ask Federal Election Candidates (Poverty Alleviation)
If you are going to a political rally for a federal election candidate, why don't you ask them if they support making the Disability Tax Credit refundable, which is CCD's priority issue for this election campaign. Read more.
August 26, 2015
Accessible Voting
This video provides information on accessible voting tools and services. Read more.
August 24, 2015
Letter to Conservative Party of Canada
A priority for CCD is learning if your Party will commit to making the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) a refundable tax credit. A refundable DTC would extend compensation for the extra costs of disability to those eligible living in poverty. Read more.
August 24, 2015
Letter to New Democratic Party of Canada
A priority for CCD is learning if your Party will commit to making the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) a refundable tax credit. A refundable DTC would extend compensation for the extra costs of disability to those eligible living in poverty. Read more.
Election 2011
April 27, 2011
We Are Electors. We Are Women with Disabilities.
We are moms; we are caregivers; we experience spousal abuse; we are renters and home owners. We are also women with disabilities. Women with disabilities need to see themselves reflected in the election commitments of all Canada’s Federal Parties. DAWN-RAFH Canada and CCD are encouraging candidates running in the Federal Election to address the issues of women with disabilities. Read more.
April 26, 2011
What to Ask Federal Election Candidates about Women with Disability?
We are moms; we are caregivers; we experience spousal abuse; we are renters and home owners. We are also women with disabilities. Women with disabilities need to see themselves reflected in the election platforms of all Canada’s Federal Parties. Investment in women makes good economic sense because women are the major purchasers for their homes and families. The needs of women with disabilities do not change in response to economic trends. Because we usually live below the poverty line (or near it) 100% of our incomes are turned to local economies.
Acknowledgement: “What to Ask Federal Election Candidates about Women with Disability?” was developed collaboratively by DAWN/RAFH Canada and CCD.
DAWN-RAFH Canada is a national bilingual cross-disability organization for women with disabilities. Our mission is to end the poverty, isolation, discrimination and violence experienced by women with disabilities. 25 years in service to women with disabilities! 25 ans en services des femmes handicapees!
Read more.
April 14, 2011
Conservative Government Has Future-oriented Approach to Disability Issues
“CCD reminds the Conservative Party that Canadians with disabilities need a government prepared to address both present and future needs. We need measures focusing on disability-related supports, labour market participation, implementation of the CRPD, poverty eradication and full inclusion and accessibility,” stated Tony Dolan, CCD Chairperson. Read more.
April 13, 2011
Conservative Party Platform-- Here for Canada: Stephen Harper's Low-Tax Plan for Jobs and Economic Growth
April 13, 2011
NDP Take Page from Disability Community's Action Plan
In 2007, the disability community launched its own National Action Plan, which over 100 groups endorsed and the Plan called for action on disability supports, poverty alleviation, labour market participation, and access and inclusion. This February, the disability community presented Canada’s Federal Parties with a plan for implementing the CRPD. The NDP have responded by including these issues in their action plan for Canada—the 2011 NDP Platform. Read more.
April 13, 2011
Green Party Includes People with Disabilities in Vision Green but NOT the Green Platform
Canadians with disabilities are not mentioned specifically in the Green Platform. For disability not to be mentioned in the Platform was disappointing to the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an inclusive and accessible Canada. Another policy document, “Vision Green,” included people with disabilities. Read more.
April 12, 2011
Green Party Includes People with Disabilities in Vision Green but NOT the Green Platform
April 5, 2011
The Liberal Platform--Your Family. Your Future. Your Canada.
During every Federal Election, CCD provides a disability rights overview of Party Platforms to ensure that members of the public are aware of the different approaches to disability issues that are being put forward by Canada’s Federal Parties. On 3 April 2011, the Liberal Party of Canada released to Canadians its Election 2011 Platform, “Your Family. Your Future. Your Canada.”, using live video streaming over the internet. In this edition of the 2011 CCD Election Challenge, CCD will comment on (1) the specific disability promises made by the Liberals, (2) the general commitments made by the Party and (3) how they presented their Platform to the Canadian public. Read more.
April 4, 2011
Liberal Platform Puts Disability Issues on the Agenda, CCD Challenges Others To Do The Same
Canadians with disabilities see themselves reflected within the Liberal Party Platform. CCD reminds all Federal Parties, that Canadians with disabilities are students, moms and dads, caregivers, workers, immigrants, environmentalists etc... To deliver equality of result all Federal policies, programs and services must respond to the needs of people with disabilities. CCD eagerly awaits the platforms from the Conservatives, the NDP, the Bloc Quebecois and the Green Party. CCD will apply a disability lens to the Platforms of all the major Federal Parties. Read more.
March 28, 2011
What to Ask Federal Election Candidates about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD)
Will Your Party:
Commit to delivering on the intent of CRPD by:
1. Designing a National Action Plan to provide the vision and framework for successful implementation of the CRPD? An action plan would identify necessary mechanisms for collaboration, benchmarks for monitoring and reporting, and strategies for priority areas for action the disability community has identified, including:
- Access to disability supports,
- Poverty alleviation,
- Labour force participation,
- Accessibility and inclusion.
2. Naming the Canadian Human Rights Commission to monitor implementation of the CRPD?
3. Designing a robust participation strategy to ensure Canada meets its CRPD obligations to consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities through their representative organizations in implementing the CRPD?
March 28, 2011
What To Ask Federal Election Candidates about Access and Inclusion
Will Your Party support:
- Accessibility regulations, instead of voluntary codes, for modes of transport in Federal jurisdiction?
- An accessible technology procurement policy?
- The renewal and expansion of the Social Development Partnerships Disability Program?
- The re-establishment of the Court Challenges Program for equality rights test case litigation?
- Amendment of the National Building Code to include Universal Design?
- Accessible voting, including independent voting and verification for persons handicapped by print?
- Amendment of the Official Languages Act to give ASL/LSQ official language status?
- Establishment of a Parliamentary Committee on Disability Issues?
Election 2008
September 29, 2008
Building An Inclusive and Accessible Canadian Transportation System
Accessibility standards are a thing of the past for Canada's federal transport system. Voluntary codes of practice are the current Canadian way. The result: travel denied. Once a world leader in accessibility, Canadian access levels fall below other developed countries. CCD seeks the adoption of the US regulatory accessibility model and utilization of US Access Board guidelines and expertise. The disability community's National Action Plan on Disability includes a focus on transportation access. "We are hoping that all the Federal Parties will commit to working with the disability community to regulate the federal transportation system for access," states Marie White, CCD Chairperson. Read more.
September 22, 2008
Access to Justice: A Disability Issue
CCD has been calling on all Federal Political Parties to commit to the reinstatement of the Court Challenges Program. To date, the Liberal, NDP, Bloc and Green Parties have agreed to reinstate it if elected. The Conservative Party has not indicated a willingness to alter its course on this issue. Read more.
September 19, 2008
Harper Announcement on Disability Falls Short of National Action Plan
The Conservatives have missed the point that Canadians with disabilities have been making for the last thirty-five years. We don't want to be looked after; we want to be contributing members of society. The Canadian community of persons with disabilities has presented the Conservative Party, indeed all the Parties, with the National Action Plan on Disability that outlines new initiatives geared to assist people with disabilities become contributing, participating members of Canadian society, enjoying their full citizenship. Read more.
September 18, 2008
Waiting to Be Tax Payers
Having a job, gives many Canadians with disabilities the financial means to develop the lifestyle they want, feelings of personal satisfaction and contribution, a personal network of friends and colleagues, as well as many other benefits unique to the individual. The disability community has created a National Action Plan on Disability, which provides a short and long term strategy, that among other initiatives will get people with disabilities working and paying taxes. Read more.
September 15, 2008
Disability in Canada Means Living In Poverty
Did you know that a disproportionate number of Canadians with disabilities live in poverty? Each of the Parties has a different strategy for addressing poverty. Read more.
September 12, 2008
Letter to Bloc Québécois
September 12, 2008
Letter to Green Party of Canada
September 12, 2008
Letter to Liberal Party of Canada
September 12, 2008
Letter to Conservative Party of Canada
September 10, 2008
Election 2008 and Canadians with Disabilities
Building an Inclusive and Accessible Canada starts with ensuring that all, regardless of disability, are able to exercise their democratic right—the right to vote. CCD is calling on all Parties to commit to: alleviating the poverty of persons with disabilities, establishing specific participation targets for persons with disabilities within Labour Market Agreements reached with the provinces, and making Canada more accessible. Read more.
September 5, 2008
CCD Election Challenge: Volume 1, Issue 5
September 4, 2008
CCD Election Challenge: Volume 1, Issue 4

Marie White, a former Chairperson of CCD, addresses anti-poverty rally.